2021 Eupa Project gathers people around tales and drum circles throughout the world. Online, on-site, or hybrid, the Eupa events always celebrate stories, music, traditions, laughter, and life.

Eupa (“burning flames” in Ateso) aims at bringing together A SITTING that’s layered to share art in its different forms embedding styles of cultural conservation.

Our first event happened at Dewe on December 5, 2021. We are looking for collaborators to make the second event happen.

What is Eupa?

‘eUPA means “burning flames” in Ateso. It presents A SITTING to share art in its different forms.

Art can turn a mirror on society. Represent the status quo and look at what’s going on inside of it. A fireplace is an aesthetic that has stood the test of time. Sitting by the fire (Aprei akim)`okwota omuliro is a base of a community since the discovery of fire. Fireplaces are doors to cultural legacy. Learning the ways of living. Sharing stories, music, traditions, laughter, and life.

Words Submissions

‘eUPA embodies a different form of cultural conservation. A time capsule to preserve the traditions. To safeguard them for those after us to see, ten years and longer down the road.

Given a chance to look at our histories, we still find significance in things from our past, such as gathering around ‘eUPA. With technology, we make the ancient modern again. Relevant to our lives today.

‘eUPA would love to archive some of these ways of life for those yet to be born. So they can value the problems of the past and foster greater wisdom for better futures.